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Win tickets to a private screening of 2073

Enter your details to win one of a limited number of free tickets to a private screening of Asif Kapadia’s film, 2073. 

Date: Thursday 27 February

Time: 5 – 8pm

Venue: The Garden Cinema, 39 – 41 Parker Street, Covent Garden WC2B 5PQ

Picture of actor, Samantha Morton walking through a dystopian looking wasteland, from the film 2073

In this dystopian docu-drama, New San Francisco is controlled by libertarians, dictators and tech bros. The film cuts between documentary footage of our current crisis and a near future where there is no dissent, no freedom. Everyone is monitored, and the net is closing in on a woman living in an apocalyptic wasteland, played by Samantha Morton.

Good Law Project is helping this important film find a wide audience in partnership with The Citizens – a non-profit powered by journalism with a shared interest in protecting democracy and tackling disinformation. 

As a thank you to our amazing regular donors, Good Law Project is giving away a limited number of free tickets to a private screening of 2073, including a Q&A with the film’s director, Asif Kapadia. To apply for one or two free tickets, just give us your name and email address. We’ll draw names out of a hat and let you know if you’re one of the lucky winners.

How many tickets would you like?