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Latest 30 October 2020

Cabinet contacts awarded COVID19 contracts

Yesterday we circulated extracts from leaked Governments proving the existence of special pathways by which “VIP” and “Cabinet Office” contacts could be awarded lucrative PPE contracts at the height of the pandemic – and at inflated prices.

We circulated extracts to protect the anonymity of our source. But today we are in a position to share with you the entirety of a document which was circulated by the ‘Head of Transformation’ at Cabinet Office.PPE
What you can see – second box on the left – is that there was also a free-floating “PPE Cross-Government Co-ordination Team” which had responsibility for both liaison with Ministers and “VIP Triage,” which we think is likely to include making sure that stuff happens quickly and happily for favoured suppliers.

We are working through some specific examples of VIP cases being “triaged” and we hope to be able to bring these to you in the coming days and weeks.

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