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Support resources for our trans friends and allies

At a time when anti-trans discrimination is rife and hate crime has reached record levels, it’s important to know what support is out there for trans, non-binary or gender-questioning individuals and their loved ones. Below is a non-exhaustive list of charities and non-profit organisations offering support. If there are other organisations supporting the trans community that you think we should add, please get in touch.

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UK charities offering support, advice and information:

The Beaumont Society – help and support from the trans community.
Canterbury Trans Network – a mutual aid network and social community open to transgender, non binary, and intersex (TNBI) adults (over 18) and any adults questioning their gender identity.
Galop – supporting LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.
Gendered Intelligence – trans-led charity that aims to improve the lives of trans and non-binary people in the UK, specialises in supporting young people.
Gender kit – advice and support for those questioning their gender.
GIRES – gender identity research and education.
Mermaids – a UK charity supporting trans and gender-diverse children, young people and their families.
Mindline Trans + – an emotional and mental health support helpline for anyone identifying as trans, non-binary or gender variant, and their families, friends, colleagues and carers.
Spectra – peer-led trans services accessible to all trans and gender-diverse people, including 1-2-1 health advocacy support and counselling, peer mentoring and monthly online and in-person social groups.
Stonewall – a UK charity campaigning for LGBT equality.
Switchboard – LGBT+ helpline.
Terrence Higgins Trust Direct – a phone and email service for questions about sexual health or living with HIV.

The Trans+ Therapy Library  –The world’s largest free mental health resource created by and for the trans+ community
TransActual  – a trans-led and run organisation focused on healthcare and legal protections for trans people in the UK.
TRUK Listens – a helpline for trans people who need someone to talk to, started by Trans Radio founders Avril and Lucy Clark.
WPATH – a non-profit organisation devoted to trans health.


Breakout Youth – an independent charity based in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight offering a confidential support service for young people LGBTQIA+ aged 11 to 25
The Clare Project – trans support and social group based in Brighton and Hove but open to anyone wishing to explore issues around gender identity.
Forward LGBT+ – a local, inclusive hub for Stockport’s LGBT+ community, family and friends.
The Kite Trust – a charity supporting the wellbeing and creativity of LGBTQ+ young people in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and surrounding areas through information, support and groups.
LGBT Foundation – a national charity based in Manchester with trans services and resources.
Mosaic Trust – supports, educates and inspires London’s LGBT+ young people by providing accessible activities, programmes and services.
The Proud Trust – an LGBT+ organisation that supports LGBT+ young people through youth groups, peer support and mentoring programs, delivering youth work and one-to-one support across Greater Manchester.


Equality Network – a national LGBTI+ equality and human rights charity striving to challenge discrimination and to consult, involve and inform individuals and communities in Scotland.
LEAP Sports – works for greater inclusion for LGBTI people in sport and against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in a sports context.
LGBT Health and Wellbeing – health and wellbeing charity working to improve the physical, social, and mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ adults (16+) in Scotland through support services, a social programme for the community, and supporting mainstream services to be more inclusive.
LGBT Youth Scotland – Scotland’s national charity for LGBTQ+ young people, aged 13-25 supports young people through the provision of youth work, and to use their voice to create change in equality and human rights.
Scottish Trans – the Equality Network project to improve gender identity and gender reassignment equality, rights and inclusion in Scotland.


Impact – a LGBTQ+ youth group for like-minded people – socialising, sports, arts & crafts, workshops and sometimes trips.
Trans Aid Cymruprovides mutual aid, meetups and community stuff for trans and nonbinary people in Wales.
Umbrella Cymru – a national gender and sexual diversity specialist organisation that provides a wide range of support services across Wales.
UNIQUE Transgender Network – a voluntary group supporting Trans (transgender), non-binary and gender diverse people in North Wales and West Cheshire.


Registered – includes a USA-based directory of gender-affirming resources and organisations