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Latest 13 November 2018

Why is the UK Government keeping us in the dark over Article 50?

As you may have read, the Government is going to try and persuade the Supreme Court to give it permission to appeal against the decision of the Inner House referring to the European Court the question whether the UK can cancel Article 50.

The Government says that we cannot publish their application and papers, but that does not represent our understanding of the law. So we have asked the Supreme Court for permission to make public why the Government says MPs must be kept in the dark about the options Parliament has if there is no deal.

You can read our letter here.

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We believe in open justice, and litigation of national importance should not take place under cloak of secrecy.

The other day, we published our written arguments on why Parliament should be free to cancel the Article 50 notice if it decides that is in the national interest.

The hearing date for our case is scheduled for 27th November. Our case has been part funded by donors, and it has been financially backed by the Good Law Project which has unfunded liabilities in connection with the case. If you are able to support us, please consider becoming a member or making a one-off donation.