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Case update 6 February 2021

Another extraordinary revelation in our Abingdon case

Last week we revealed Government had cancelled all orders with Abingdon Health for antibody lateral flow tests because it had failed to gain approval from the MHRA for home use of those tests. 

Today, an explosive story in the Daily Mail reveals that “On April 6, Mike Batley, the Department of Health and Social Care’s deputy director of research, wrote to senior colleagues warning that although Lord Bethell and Mr Hancock already seemed to have approved the deal, ‘this all happened over the weekend without any engagement with us’. It was, he added, ‘no way to do business’.’”

You can read the full story here. 

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We have long thought the award of contracts to Abingdon Health was unlawful. That is why, some months ago, we took the decision to bring judicial review proceedings. However, Government continues to resist those proceedings and so we must continue to pursue them.

If you are in a position to do so, you can donate to our legal action here. It’s only possible to take on this case thanks to the support of hundreds of people.