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Latest 27 June 2019

Vote Leave, zero-hour contracts, and challenging the Crown Prosecution Service – Newsletter

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We’ve been rather busy at the Good Law Project…

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The Vote Leave saga continues

If you recall, the Good Law Project launched a judicial review into the Electoral Commission’s failure to investigate whether Vote Leave was guilty of criminal conduct in relation to referendum overspending. We succeeded in the High Court, which ruled that the Electoral Commission had misunderstood the law surrounding donations during the EU Referendum. The consequence was that the body in charge of ensuring the referendum was fair had unlawfully tilted the playing field in favour of Vote Leave.  

However, the Electoral Commission decided to appeal the decision. The hearing will take place on Thursday 4th July, and we will, of course, let you know how that goes.  

We have launched a crowdfunding campaign, where you can read more about the background of the case. Please help us defend the ruling that Vote Leave broke the law.

Zero-hour contracts

We are currently researching into the negative effects of zero-hour contracts, with a view to launching litigation. We have taken advice from two QCs and hope to make an announcement shortly.

Challenging the Crown Prosecution Service

We are proud to say that we supported the End Violence Against Women Coalition’s legal challenge against the CPS for failing rape victims.

The Coalition launched the challenge against the CPS for secretly changing its approach to decision-making on rape cases, leading to a dramatic drop in rape prosecutions. The challenge will force the CPS to examine the barriers to justice in rape cases, and address the systematic discrimination at play.   

Our director Jolyon Maugham QC said: “The failure of the criminal justice system effectively to deter rapists is a genuine scandal. With every year that passes tens of thousands more lives are destroyed. The data shows that, far from redoubling our efforts, we have seen an 80% decline in the proportion of rapes reported to police that reach the courtroom. This is intolerable.” 

You can find the Coalition’s crowdfunding page here, and you can read more about the legal challenge in The Guardian


There are some striking developments in the Uber case. HMRC has applied for a swingeing confidentiality order – protecting basic details of the judicial review from disclosure, including by the press. We are vigorously resisting that application and will keep you informed.

Changes at Good Law Project

We are also in the process of reorganising the Good Law Project. We have hired a Chief Operating Officer, are putting the finishing touches to a new website, and are working on how we can establish a closer relationship with you, our members.

How can you help

If you think our work will be of interest to friends and family – please send them this email and invite them to join our mailing list. If you like what the Good Law Project is doing, please consider becoming a member or making a one-off donation. 


The Good Law Project
