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Case update 27 August 2019

Stopping Boris Johnson Suspending Parliament

Stopping Boris Johnson Suspending Parliament

You can read here a copy of our ‘adjusted’ claim against the Government to prevent it cancelling Parliament.

Readers will note from paragraph 37 that we contend that: “as a matter of constitutional law, the United Kingdom Government may not permit a ‘no deal Brexit’ unless and until explicit statutory authorisation from the Union Parliament is provided in the form of primary legislation to this effect.” And that the courts would, in certain circumstances, “be obliged to pronounce a mandatory order ordaining the United Kingdom Government duly to revoke, prior to exit day, its Article 50 TEU withdrawal notification.”

The case is fully funded for the first stage. However, we think the case is likely to proceed very quickly to the Supreme Court and we will need to reopen the crowdfunding if there are appeals. If you wish to support the work done by the Good Law Project you can do so here.

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We will write further on the reasoning behind the adjustments shortly.